Cover Photo Courtesy of: Smoketown Brewing Creekside
This summer, The City of Frederick launched a new “Pop Up Dining” Program to support the local economy, while accommodating new public health & safety measures. Informed by extensive public outreach, the program offers five outdoor expansion opportunities to local food & beverage establishments, as well as temporarily relaxed regulations on parking and enclosure requirements.
The speedy design and implementation of the program was the result of a massive effort across many City departments — including staff from Economic Development, Building, Public Works, Risk Management, Engineering, Police, Parking, Communications, and the Mayor’s Office; as well as key partners at the Frederick County Health Department, the Frederick County Liquor Board, and the Downtown Frederick Partnership. Together this team has helped establish approximately 40 new outdoor eating opportunities across the City.
From patrons & businesses, here’s how these Pop-Up Dining spots are making an impact on the Frederick community:
““We love dining outside at restaurants in downtown Frederick- especially with all of the new options. There are lots of choices for whatever you are craving. Great food, great atmosphere, great people-watching. It’s a fun experience every time we go.””
Diners at JoJo’s enjoying Parklet Outdoor Dining on East Patrick St.
JoJo’s Tap House
“JoJo's Restaurant & Tap House wants to give a huge shout out to the City for all of their help and effort in getting our outside seating areas planned and approved so quickly. They made the process so easy and streamlined and as many saw, were able to get the parklet areas set up in a matter of days! This is a difficult time for all businesses and restaurants are certainly no exception, but the additional outside dining areas set up by the City have made a world of difference compared to what we would have for available seating. Again, thank you all so much for all your efforts and assistance.”
“…additional outside dining areas set up by the city have made a world of difference…”
Jeff Button, owner - JoJo’s Taphouse
Midnight Run Brewing
“The patio seating is something we’ve always wanted to do...”
We've had a really great experience with the (outdoor) patio from a business perspective. We are a very small brewery that relied heavily on revenues from our tasting room draft sales prior to the shut-down caused by Covid-19. We were able to manage OK with the to-go beer when everything shut-down but once we got into the Phase I reopening, we were in drastic need of outdoor space because rather than buying to-go, people were spending money at locations that had outdoor, on-site options. The patio is something we've always wanted to do and the current situation sort of forced us to do it. We are very grateful that the City of Frederick has been flexible to help businesses like us stay in business during this pandemic. The outdoor seating has been very well received by our patrons and adds a level of comfort to those that do venture out to get our beer.
The outdoor seating has been very well received by our patrons…..
Brent Turner, owner - Midnight Run Brewing
“Speaking as someone who is at a higher risk for the current health crisis, the increased outdoor dining the City has implemented makes me feel much more comfortable in resuming some semblence of normalcy by being able to frequent restaurants in an open air setting.”
Alanna Wilson, resident and friend enjoying Cacique
Pretzel Pizza Creations
“…having outdoor dining has been wonderful for our customers…”
Carlo Serio, owner - Pretzel Pizza Creations
We are so grateful to the city and the staff that coordinated the parklet project. For a restaurant with a small footprint like ours, having some socially distanced outdoor dining has been so wonderful for our customers and we are excited we’ve been able to offer it! This is just another example of Frederick being creative and adaptive to support local businesses.
Our parklet has been so wonderful for our customer’s & staff’s safety and comfortability. I love having the ability to expand our dining room outdoors and wish we could have this all year round. It has been a saving grace to my business. The City of Frederick, Downtown Frederick Partnership, & Liquor Board have been so great to work with and were extremely helpful navigating this new normal. Bushwaller’s would not have been able to survive these troubling times without this parklet and all the people who helped put this opportunity together.
It has been a saving grace to my business
Amber DeMorett, owner - Bushwaller’s
Il Forno
The City of Frederick’s Pop up dining has been extremely beneficial for us these last couple months, allowing additional outdoor dining space has really helped us keep our doors open. The City of Frederick and the Frederick County Liquor board have been very accommodating to businesses in the area and we are very thankful.
“I would like to thank all the people who put so much work into outside dining. Paul and I have thoroughly enjoyed eating outside even with this pandemic. I personally always felt our downtown should shut the streets down on the weekends for outside dining. This is a win win for both the restaurants and the businesses. I hope understand winter months this will not be possible for evening dining but maybe afternoon coffee or hot chocolate would be a thought. I do hope this will be something that stays with our downtown. I love it. ”
Taco Bar
It’s been like being in Mexico eating street style tacos!
Raul A Valdivia, owner - Taco Bar
The Pop Up Dining outdoor seating gives more authenticity to Taco Bar. It’s like being in Mexico eating street style tacos! It has helped my business not only financially during the health crisis but also strengthen our commitment to the safety of our staff and customers. We are thankful for our customer’s support and we are blessed to have such a wonderful team that cares about each other and the wellbeing of our customers.