This major arterial road project will improve traffic circulation and alleviate local congestion on the U.S. highway & interstate system. The new road and bridge will accommodate four lanes of traffic, taking a straighter, safer path connecting I-70, Frederick’s downtown, and northeast side.
City Priority Project: Frederick Municipal Airport
Four Mixed-Use Projects Coming to Frederick
Mixed-use development has become an increasingly popular model within the American real estate sector. Given Frederick’s long tradition of a strong community-feel and its already vibrant downtown core, it is hardly surprising this trend has been enthusiastically embraced locally. Here we take a look at four mixed-use projects taking place across the City of Frederick.
Partner Spotlight: Maryland Department of Commerce Senior Business Development Representative, Tamar Osterman
This month, our Partner Spotlight highlights Tamar Osterman, Senior Business Development Representative with Maryland Department of Commerce.
The City of Frederick Department of Economic Development (DED) works closely with Tamar and her position at the State to connect potential, new, and expanding City businesses to assistance available through the State of Maryland.
Opportunity Zones 101
Having a hard time wrapping your head around the real-life implications of the Opportunity Zones?
We were too until we recruited guest speakers from the State and a local accounting firm to host a recent Opportunity Zone Informational Session in Frederick. If you missed the opportunity — don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!
Downtown Frederick Partnership Announces New Grant Programs
The Downtown Frederick Partnership has launched two new grant programs to address the risk of fire in historic buildings. Learn more about the programs and see if you're eligible at
Public Invited to Participate in City's Strategic Planning
Former Frederick County Delegate named Secretary of MD Department of Commerce
Governor Larry Hogan has announced the appointment of Kelly M. Schulz as secretary of the Maryland Department of Commerce. Schulz, a Frederick County resident, previously served as the local representative in Maryland House of Delegates, and most recently served as the secretary of the Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation (DLLR).
Twas the Chamber Event Before Christmas
City Partners with AOPA to Develop Multi-Hangar Complex at FDK
Local Business Owners Receive Governor's Citation
Last Friday, the Governor’s Office of Small, Minority, and Women- Owned Businesses, in partnership with the City of Frederick and Frederick County Offices of Economic Development, hosted Ready, Set, GROW! — a free workshop aimed at providing an overview of public & private procurement programs. During the event, the Governor’s office took the opportunity to honor three Frederick business owners for exceptional business and community leadership.
Frederick Manufacturers Named 'Champions'
Frederick had an impressive showing at the Regional Manufacturing Institute of Maryland 2018 Champions of MD Manufacturing Awards Gala. A huge congratulations to the City of Frederick’s STULZ Air Technology Systems, Inc. on receiving the prestigious award for Energy and Sustainability.
How to Do Business With the City of Frederick
Frederick's Federal Contracting Advantage (& 5 Resources to Harness it)
Disadvantaged Business Enterprises in the City of Frederick
Earlier this year, the City’s administration convened the ‘Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program Review Panel.’ The panel, made up of eight members of the public, an alderman, and three City staff members, is tasked with the review of the City’s economic inclusion in procurement opportunities.