This Year at the Keys -- What You Want to Know

This Year at the Keys -- What You Want to Know

Get ready to Shake Your Key’s – Frederick’s team is back! Opening Day is next week and The City is excited to see the baseball team return to play this season. Due to the restructuring decisions made by Major League Baseball last year, the 2021 Keys will play in a newly created MLB Draft League. Learn more about what to expect here.

Good News from Frederick's Arts and Entertainment Scene

Good News from Frederick's Arts and Entertainment Scene

Despite the challenging year, things are starting to look up in our local arts community. We caught up with some of these local businesses & organizations and asked them to ‘tell us something good’ — ranging from accomplishments despite COVID, to returning services & exciting new initiatives, to encouraging trends they are seeing in their industry.

Restaurant Revitalization Fund: What You Need to Know

Restaurant Revitalization Fund: What You Need to Know

The Small Business Administration (SBA) is preparing to launch a MAJOR grant opportunity for food & beverage establishments nation-wide. Below is a quick rundown on some important things to know about the program. Visit the SBA’s website for comprehensive program details, guidance, and application.

techfrederick's Aspire Training Program Awarded Largest Grant Funding to Date

techfrederick's Aspire Training Program Awarded Largest Grant Funding to Date

techfrederick, a coalition of local high-tech companies, just received its 5th round of funding from the Department of Labor, garnering its largest amount of funding in a single grant to date, $355,446. Since its inception, techfrederick’s Aspire Training program has been awarded just over $1.1m in grant funds through this initiative to offer high caliber, high tech training to local tech professionals seeking to upgrade their occupational skills.

NCI and FNL Technology Showcase Receives National Award

NCI and FNL Technology Showcase Receives National Award

This spring, Frederick’s Annual National Cancer Institute and Frederick National Laboratory Technology Showcase was selected to receive the 2021 State and Local Economic Development Award from the Federal Laboratory Consortium for Technology Transfer (FLC).

Downtown Frederick Streetscape Study

Downtown Frederick Streetscape Study

Frederick currently has an opportunity to use the experiences and data collected during the pandemic to reimagine the Downtown Frederick public streetscape and reinforce long-term recovery and continued growth. The City and Downtown Frederick Partnership have partnered to engage a design company to develop creative options for this potential redesign.

Small Business Webinars for Frederick: April

Small Business Webinars for Frederick: April

Maryland’s Small Business Development Center (SBDC) provides support to local entrepreneurs and small businesses. In addition to providing free individual consultation, the organization hosts comprehensive training programs with most classes at low to no cost. April courses will again be held online in webinar format.

A Map of Frederick's Future Commercial Projects

A Map of Frederick's Future Commercial Projects

Earlier this year, the City’s Department of Economic Development launched a new online database to showcase major opportunities for future commercial growth to site selectors, businesses and developers. A brief project description, contact information, and an external link to additional information is available for each project displayed in the GoogleMap interface.