Made in Frederick: McCutcheon’s Apple Products, Inc.

In The City of Frederick, a variety of local businesses make and manufacture their own products. From popcorn and coffee to dog treats, many small businesses are choosing Frederick as a place to make their products and to do business.

Made in Frederick

is a feature that showcases these businesses and their products.

McCutcheon's Apple Products

Fresh, local apples are

the key to their popular cider.

McCutcheon's Apple Products

, located right next to Carroll Creek, produces and sells all of their products from their factory in Frederick. McCutcheon's is a family-owned business that has been making their products in Frederick since 1938. The company sells a wide range of specialty fruit products, including apple cider, jelly, and butters. 

McCutcheon's currently has over 30 full time employees, some of who are third, fourth, and fifth generation members of the McCutcheon family. Our office had the opportunity to tour McCutcheon's factory and to meet with the President, Bob McCutcheon III.

Q&A With Bob McCutcheon

Bob answered a few questions about his business, products, and why he enjoys doing business here in


How long has your company been in business?

Since 1938

What are your product/products?

Apple Cider, Apple Butter Preserves, Jellies, Condiments, Hot Sauce, Teas, Olde Time Sodas and much more.

What makes your product different?

Everything is home-style, just like Grandma made.

What do you want your customers to know about your product?

We get products that are the best tasting, highest quality, and made in Frederick.

What does Frederick offer a company like yours?

Frederick is a vibrant growing city situated in beautiful Downtown Frederick. It's a great place for us to live, work, and play.

McCutcheon's facility is powered by 546 solar panels. You can view the daily output of the solar panels at McCutcheon's 



Apple cider production at McCutcheon's. 

If you go

McCutcheon's has a full retail shop that is open 6 days week and it offers all of the company's products. McCutcheon's products are also available to resellers. For more information and hours, visit

McCutcheon's website


For more recipes using McCutcheon's Apple Products,

visit their blog


Want to be featured on Made in Frederick?

If you or your business has a product that's made in The City of Frederick, 

contact us

and let us know more about your business, product, and why Frederick is a great business location for you. 

This story was completed by our fall intern from Hood College, Nick Masucci.