Frederick’s economic development partners have quickly pivoted their services to support our local companies through today’s unique challenges.
Check out some of the helpful new resources now available to businesses through these partners:
Known for its popular in-person events, the Downtown Frederick Partnership has worked fast to remain supportive to downtown businesses in a distanced environment. The organization has moved its signature “First Saturday” events online. This Thursday, the group will also kick-off its Alive @Five summer series in a virtual forum -- featuring local musicians and community fundraising opportunities. To help make up for missed interactions on street corners & in shops, the Partnership has launched “Faces of Frederick” -- a video campaign which includes a new message from different local business owners each clip.
The Partnership is maintaining the open or close status of downtown establishments on their website to encourage downtown patronage. Throughout the pandemic, the organization has also been hosting Merchant Round-tables. These industry-specific video chats allow business owners to collaborate, share ideas and virtually connect over discussion topics.
Anticipating restrictions will soon begin to be eased, the Partnership is also creating a database of available health and safety equipment for local shopkeepers in need of suppliers.
In response to COVID-19, the Partnership also changed the parameters of its annual Mission: Interior grant program to allow more businesses to participate. By removing the match requirement and increasing the program’s funding, the Partnership could fund a larger number of applicants seeking to make interior renovation projects during this temporary lull in foot-traffic.
The Frederick Arts Council has created a COVID-19 Artist Relief GoFundMe and corresponding grant program to assist artists who have lost income due to canceled gigs (performing or otherwise). The grants will be between $250 and $500.
To keep the local arts community connected during current restrictions, Frederick Arts Council has also created a Member Spotlight Series which highlights a different FAC member weekly. The organizations event venue – SkyStage – has also been hosting performance livestreams and online events – including concerts, poetry, dance, and more.
As a branch of the SBA, our local Small Business Development Center has been busy providing counsel and information regarding new financial programs. The SBDC has offered online one-on-one consultations, as well as frequent webinars on relevant topics. The organization also is offering webinars in Spanish every Friday to reach a wider audience.
The local tourism council, Visit Frederick, has had to dramatically redirect its efforts as travel & leisure activities came to an abrupt halt this Spring. Working hard to support its local industry through the closures, the organization has organized multiple fundraising opportunities, including the on-going: Dinner Dash Virtual 5K and the Stronger Together T-shirt campaign. Looking forward to openings, the organization has created a comprehensive plan of action ‘Wait, Ready, Set, Go’ to get the local tourism industry back on its feet. Read more here.
Throughout business closures and lay-offs, Frederick County Workforce Services has been working tirelessly to be a resource to those unexpectedly unemployed. The local organization has maintained a helpful online resource page and has been pumping out local job opportunities, as well as working directly with businesses & workforce members.
In anticipation of reopening in the near future, Frederick County Workforce Services is ramping up efforts to support employers who are hiring. A dedicated team is available to provide recruitment support at no cost. The hiring process does look different now than it did just a few months ago, due to COVID-19. The Everything Workforceblog addresses many of the questions businesses may have, from COVID-19 testing, to creating and maintaining a safe workplace. To connect with a member of the Business Services team, visit here or call 301.600.2255.
No stranger to virtual world, our local tech-advocacy group – techfrederick – has helped lead the charge in adapting local companies to remote work. The organization is offering non-traditional training sessions for “Thriving During Crisis,” as well as subsidized Microsoft Teams training to private companies & local government employees.
Techfrederick Virtual Meeting
TechFrederick has also started a weekly “COVID-19 Virtual Roundtable.” Every Wednesday the organization invites the local community to join for a relevant topic of the week. These sessions feature experts, experienced leaders, and crisis consultants to answer questions real-time from our community.
TechFrederick is also offering Frederick’s small business community free access to any of the Board members for "guidance and fresh perspective" conversations on navigating a small business through this crisis.
FCC Business Solutions:
Frederick Community College, through their Business Solutions program, is also providing local employers & employees with the skills needed to tackle the rapidly-changing work environment. The new training programs are taught completely online to suit each organization’s needs. Training include:
Topics focused on assisting the transition to remote workplaces: Virtual Meetings 101, Managing & Staying Connected with Remote Teams, Effective Tools for Working Remotely
Leadership skills: Coaching, Mentoring, Performance Evaluation, Supervising
Individual Skills: Conflict Resolution, Customer Service, Project Management, Time Management
Computer Skills: Microsoft Office Suite, QuickBooks, Cisco, CompTIA
Industry-specific Skills & Certifications: Building & Construction Trades, Child Care, Environmental Health & Safety, Food Safety
Contact FCC’s Business Solutions & Strategic Initiatives Manager, Caitlin Brandenburg or visit to learn more.
FITCI has stepped up to support Frederick’s youngest businesses. The local incubator has pulled together curated information on best curating best practices and lessons learned from past pandemics and disasters. The organization is leveraging virtual meetings to troubleshoot, source solutions and collaborate, partner, and accelerate learning. FITCI has added more Virtual CEO Roundtables – pulling in expertise in many areas including innovation strategies, invincible company planning, and thriving in chaos.
FITCI is prepared to start its upcoming accelerator program, the EDGE, online and will move back to a physical form when safe to do so.
In the meantime, FITCI is sending out daily updates of what’s happening in the coronavirus world so our clients can avoid getting sucked into the endless newsreels and focus on their business at hand instead.
As a companion to its new COVID-19 resource pages and independent conversations with members, the Chamber of Commerce has launched a twice weekly video series entitled “Chamber Conversations.” This series is open to both Chamber members and the community at large and has covered topics including: financial assistance, human resources, workplace sanitation, legal issues, and real estate.
The Chamber also worked with the Frederick News Post to accelerate the release of the Conduit Magazine. Conduit includes ads featuring Chamber Partners in Trust, members and cutting-edge content about our business and nonprofit communities.The early release was organized to bring a message of hope and connection during these challenging times. To this end, Chamber President Rick Weldon is also running weekly messages in the Monday edition of the Frederick News Post.
The Chamber is also working on developing a new marketing and communications initiative to support the goals of rebuilding community, consumer and economic confidence/ pride in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. Keep your eyes peeled for more!