City Expands Opportunities for Food Trucks during COVID-19 Pandemic

Earlier this month, the Mayor and Board of Aldermen approved a temporary expansion of mobile food unit (food truck) operations to support this industry in its recovery from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

In addition to the areas of operation allowed under Section 29-11(b)(1) of the Vendor/Peddler Ordinance, the new temporary ordinance (Ordinance G-20-18) allows a mobile food unit to operate on a privately owned non-residential property with property owner permission. It also expands hours of operation to 9 AM to 9 PM daily, in which units can operate in one location for all or part of that 12-hour period. 

Per the Vendor/Peddler Ordinance, a mobile food unity may not operate on more than one residential property in the same block of a street in one day. Food units cannot operate in the Frederick Town Historic District, except for Carroll Creek Linear Park. These regulations remain in effect. 

The map below shows the area of the City in which mobile food units can operate with this temporary expansion. Like the Pop Up Dining program, this ordinance will remain in effect until Governor Hogan removes the State of Emergency or October 31, 2020, whichever comes first. 

For more information on food trucks and how to begin operating a food truck in The City of Frederick, visit