Frederick certified prosthetist orthotist, John P. Jacobs, CPO, recalls a professor’s advice: “The goal is to make prosthetics invisible, weigh nothing, and cost nothing. If you can manage all that, you’re on the right track!”
Tech Games: Meet the Players
Carroll Creek Phase II Receives Award of Excellence
Phase II Monocacy Boulevard Construction To Begin - Road Closure Required
Start Up Maryland Tours Frederick
An Aerial Look at the Infrastructure Projects in Frederick
City Economic Development Partners to Offer Facade Grants to Businesses
Each year, the City of Frederick Department of Economic Development applies for grants through the State of Maryland (DHCD) to assist small business owners with façade improvements and, more recently, to help with improvements to the interiors of those businesses.
Inspiring Offices: Cyclefit
Partner Spotlight: Visit Frederick
Downtown Hotel at Carroll Creek Gains Key Approval From HPC
AOPA Mobilizes Hurricane Relief Efforts
Historic Preservation Commission Considers Design of Downtown Hotel at Carroll Creek
Partner Spotlight: Fort Detrick Alliance
Partner Spotlight - Frederick Innovative Technology Center, Inc.
This month, our Partner Spotlight highlights a resource aimed at opening the door for start-ups and entrepreneurs in early stage Biotechnology, Information Technology, and Renewable Energy companies by offering office and wet lab space, business services, and strategic support to local entrepreneurs.