Know a company that keeps work fun? Tell us about it! Nominations for the 2019 Frederick County Best Places to Work have opened.
5 Companies Leading Sustainability Initiatives in Frederick
Common Market To Go Even Greener on 7th Street
Earlier this month, Common Market, a community-owned organic and natural foods grocery store, announced its purchase of the former Safeway location on W. 7th Street. We caught up with General Manager Bob Thompson and Troy Sexton, the Category & Advertising Manager, to chat about the new location and their vision for it as a model of sustainability.
City Releases Annual Sustainability Report
Partner Spotlight: City of Frederick Office of Sustainability
Bike to Work Day - Registration Open
Resources for Frederick Businesses Looking to Go Green
The Common Market Co-Op Announces Expansion Plans for Former Safeway Location
New Industrial Maintenance Training Program Offered in Frederick
Public Survey for Bicycle Friendly Community
Please take a few minutes to complete the following survey to support Frederick's work to maintain a Bicycle Friendly Community:
Frederick Day in Annapolis
City Priority Project: Storm-water Management
The City has been working proactively with FEMA and MEMA for grant funding to address the damages from the severe storms of 2018. The City has partnered with the Army Core of Engineers to analyze low-lying areas in the City most vulnerable to heavy rains and to determine the most strategic SWM projects to control future flooding.