On June 13, 2018, the annual Technology Showcase in Frederick brought together technology development stakeholders from across the region – and it was a huge success with approximately 200 in attendance.
NCI Director Ned Sharpless addresses Technology Showcase 2018, Frederick MD. Photo courtesy Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research. Richard Frederickson, photographer.
Hosted by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) at Frederick and the Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research (FNLCR), the event focused a spotlight on opportunities right here in Frederick. The overall goal of the event was to encourage the formation of more startup companies, increase technology licensing opportunities, and provides the chance for event attendees to network with life science companies, investors, entrepreneurs, researchers, educators, professional service firms and even technology scouts looking to commercial technologies.
NCI Director Ned Sharpless provided the keynote presentation – leading a discussion about how innovation and commercialization benefits patients. The event helps to demystify how to license from and collaborate with NCI and FNLCR as well as how to access available resources with these organizations.
The 2018 Technology Showcase included a "Success Story Roundtable" lead by Dr. Tom Stackhouse, NCI, TTC, that featured discussions with leaders of MedImmune, MiRecule, Inc. and Veralox Therapeutics, LLC about successful biotechnology innovation partnerships with NIH.
Additionally, representatives from the NCI Technology Transfer Ambassadors Program (TTAP) presented posters highlighting technologies available for licensing and/or partnering including areas such as immunotherapy, devices and vaccine research.
Richard Griffin, Director, Department of Economic Development, City of Frederick served as a panel moderator for a technology session. Photo courtesy Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research. (Richard Frederickson, photographer)
If you are interested in licensing, partnering opportunities or learning more about the technologies featured at the 2018 Technology Showcase, please contact ncitechtransfer@mail.nih.gov .
If you would like to know more about business opportunities for biotechnology in Frederick, contact the City of Frederick Department of Economic Development at 301-600-6360!
Success Stories - Moderated Panel Discussion. Photo courtesy Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research. (Richard Frederickson, photographer)